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President's Message

John West is an avid equestrian with a passion for our public lands and protecting the rights of equestrian access to the trails we all love.  John and his wife Tammy, enjoy riding their two Missouri Foxtrotters, Maggie and Lacey on the beautiful and rugged Red Cliffs Dessert of Southern Utah and the scenic Ozark Mountain trails of Missouri.

Dear Friends,

Horses, mules, donkeys and the great American outdoors are a passion that we all share.  Back Country Horsemen of Utah are dedicated to preserving our trails now and for posterity.  But we need your name on our roster to help us uphold this mission.


The pressure of developer growth, political shifts, huge budget cuts and environmental changes threaten our enjoyment of this spectacular landscape!  And the size of our group really matters when we represent our association to special interests and governmental authorities. 


Did you know that the Forest Service will not be hiring seasonal employees this year due to lack of funding?  Are you aware that our elected officials want the federal government to hand over control of 18.5 million acres of federal public lands to the state of Utah?  The Supreme Court rejected even hearing this plea.  But they won't give up.  That means that land would be sold and no longer open for public enjoyment.  We truly need you and your name on our membership rolls.  It really does matter to the powers that be to see our constituency is strong.


Back Country Horsemen of Utah is not a riding club...but we do a lot of riding.  Nor are we a lobby group.  We’re a service organization with boots on the ground and a can-do attitude!  And you don’t need to own a horse to be a member!!  Nationally we are the most influential equine trails organization!  Why?  Because of our size and dedication. 

Will you please renew/join for another year… 2025?


(Click HERE to join or renew your membership)


We will do our best to keep you updated regarding our efforts to protect this gorgeous place that people from all over the world come to enjoy.


Thanks so much for your support and friendship!


John West,

President 2025

Back Country Horsemen of Utah – Southwest Chapter


Please feel free to call me anytime if you have information we need to know  about or you want to share your opinion on a topic.


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